
Hi, my name is Peter Koning. I’ve worked in the Oil & Gas industry for over 30 years, supporting a variety of environmental, stakeholder engagement, regulatory permitting and sustainable development functions. This is my hobby: tracking stories that point the way for what I call the “Energy Shift”, a free bi-weekly email I provide to my subscribers. Here is a list of the topics that I track more or less weekly:

  • Finance & sentiment
  • Hydrogen
  • Carbon Capture
  • Energy storage
  • Solar power
  • Wind power
  • Evolution of power grids
  • Electric vehicles
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Smart cities
  • Circular economy
  • and Government policies related to the above.

Why do I feel this is important? With the backdrop of the climate change imperative, there is an energy system transformation underway. While fossil fuels will be needed for many years, much of the growth in energy demand will need to be met with renewable energy. The stories I post are ones I feel mark the way to a sustainable future.

Feel free to comment on any of the stories. Let’s get this conversation going.

Disclaimer: This is purely my hobby. I am an employee of an oil and gas exploration and production company, but views expressed here are my own.